fredag den 29. maj 2015

I think I need to regroup and find a new strategem

So Monday night another spider was trespassing, entering enemy territory - very unwise choice!
As a true European Conquistador, I feel entitled to the very ground I have selfhandedly taken from its natural inhabitants, and I will fight to the death (unless of course there is the slightest chance that I will be the one dead. In that case I will flee and not come back until my flatmate has killed it of course.)
Anyway, back to the case at hand. This spider was way too big for it's own good, and my Damsel in Distress wail notified my flatmates that I was about to faint and that their immediate assistance was needed. Never before I came to this savage country, had I any idea about the speed spiders can muster. It seems like they are purposely created to outrun enemies. The brave Maria grabbed a broom and while I courageously pulled shelves, suitcases, and clothes rack out from the walls, Maria hunted it through the entire room and even caught it three times before it cared to die.
I am a bit surprised that the police hasn't showed up yet. The neighbours must have called the police to report the murder after all the screaming, smashing of various tools, and running that came from the building. But then again, it is Honduras, so why would the police care.

After such a night, I cannot help thinking that I might have to reconsider my strategy. You would think, that all spiders by now know, that this is not the place to be if you hold your life dear. But then again, I never really let anyone of them go to tell the tale, so how would they know?

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